FIXED : if macro name includes a '+' then link in show log fails

Macrodroid 5.37, minor bug.

Bug might exist prior to 5.37, just noticed now.

1) Create a simple macro named :
macro +

2) Empty trigger and empty action.

3) Test the macro.

4) Either use Show Log in the macro or System Log. Find an entry in the log for 'macro +'

5) Click the link

6) The link in the log will fail and issue a toast:
macro+%2B Macro not found


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
This bug is also present in latest version (v5.38.7). I was going to say that this is because spaces can be replaced with + in certain cases but it seems to mess up with HTML encoding.
Weird thing is that if the macro contains just % no problem appears but with %2 for example it also fails to open.
Please report the bug using the report bug button in the troubleshooting section of the app.
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