Google TTS speaking as trigger


New member
Hi, could you please advice me how to set as Trigger when Google tts is speaking? It is an unlaunchable app, so obviously it can noy be set as app launched. Thanks

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
In templates, look for the macro called New triggers, it has intent received triggers and one is for the TTS speaking:


New member
In templates, look for the macro called New triggers, it has intent received triggers and one is for the TTS speaking:
You mean the one TTS_QUEUE_PROCESSING_COMPLETED? That one could serve as a trigger for the moment when tts is speaking, right?
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New member
Well, i have tested this and the result is that the trigger is fired once the SPEAKING is FINISHED. And i need the trigger fire just when the SPEAKING STARTS...
I have try to seek for an other intent that could be on the beginning of the speaking, but was unable to find one...
Dont you know about some?
Or even some other approach, other solution to fire a trigger JUST when SPEAKING STARTS?

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
If your device is Android 12 or lower, you could use Logcat trigger to catch the TTS. If not think there's no option I can find


New member
Well it is possible but basically it's not worth the effort. Unless you absolutely need it.
Sorry, i dont know what is logcat.
I need this, because when im running and listening music and Zepp announces kilometers, heartrate and other stuff, the music volume decrease is not enough, i cant hear zepp.
I have try to make as trigger Zepp notification, but then the trigger fires constantly, as there is a permanent notification of zepp.