I can't find macrodroid trigger- macro run/ stopped trigger


Hi, I just asked bing AI to create a macro for me and it suggested to use macrodroide trigger- Maco Run/stopped but there is no trigger like that in macrodroide specific section.

Need some help!


Staff member
I have also tested with ChatGPT/Bing and like many things it gives very plausible sounding results but often just makes stuff up, so my advice is by all means try t, but don't expect the output to be accurate in most cases.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
I have also tested with ChatGPT/Bing and like many things it gives very plausible sounding results but often just makes stuff up, so my advice is by all means try t, but don't expect the output to be accurate in most cases.
When I tried ChatGPT, only one part was not really obvious.