Pressing Widget Button - Display Dialog not working


New member
I am new to Macrodroid. I am using Samsung M51.
I created a Macro with a Widget button as the Trigger and Display Dialog as the action. When I run the "Test Macro" in the options, the Display dialog works. However, when I press the widget button on the Homescreen, nothing happens.

Please help/guide for fixing the problem. (I have given all permissions to the App)


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
If you granted all permissions there should be no problem. However you may need to check if the macro/category it's in is disabled.


New member
Your response made me go through the settings once again. I then restarted the phone. And now it is working. Not sure what was the cause of the issue earlier. Should be able to learn over time. Thanks.


Staff member
If you check the troubleshooting section you should see nay missing permissions listed in here which is a good place to start if you see issues. Please also ensure you enable notifications for MacroDroid as you will usually get a notification from MacroDroid if you are missing a permission or something is misconfigured.