Problem in macro


New member
This macro sometimes work when phone locked and screen off
And sometimes not working untill I unlocked the phone and open google maps


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
When you open Google maps the location is updated which means it is immediately checked for geofence trigger. If you want the geofence trigger to trigger faster, adjust the update rate in trigger configuration.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Make sure that location access is available all the time.
If it still doesn't work maybe your system doesn't allow background apps updating that fast.


Staff member
The location update rate that you get to pick is just a suggestion to the magical Google Geofence black box. In my experience Geofence trigger work quite well but I know some users do have issue with Geofences not working promptly. It's very hard to diagnose because as I said it's like a black box where MacroDroid sets a little configuration and then waits for output messages.

The functionality is delivered within Play services so it can change/evolve on the regular updates that your phone gets in the background (They have completely broken it on at least one past occasion). I guess there is a constant conflict between battery efficiency and responsiveness and perhaps they are not updating locations sometimes when it would be appropriate.

The legacy location trigger within MacroDroid should work more consistently as it is designed to check on a regular interval. So as long as your phone is not suspending MacroDroid the trigger should be checked on a more regular interval. The only downside of this is that this trigger is likely to use more battery (on average).