Screen scroll lag


New member
I get this scroll lag in any open macro with slot of lines of actions or triggers, is this normal ? Does anyone experience that..


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
I get this scroll lag in any open macro with slot of lines of actions or triggers, is this normal ? Does anyone experience that..
It's normal, there's a lot of text so a lot of lag. You can't really do anything about it (except for variables which you can put in dictionaries/arrays to prevent lag).


Staff member
If you have extremely large macros then I'm afraid there can be some amount of lag (and it depends to an extent on how fast your device is). I hope to further optimisations but having started looking at this before it's going to be difficult to get any significant impriovements.

If you are able to extract stuff out to action blocks this can be a big help if the lag is causing major issues.