The customizable popup message doesn't work on my device.


I recently switched to a new phone with the Android 14 system.I encountered an issue where the customizable popup message doesn't work properly when MacroDroid is running in the background on my device. The message disappears instantly after popping up. What should I do?

Device model: vivo iQOO12
UI: OriginOS 4.0


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Custom popups can have some problems on newer devices but generally it's the popup causing problems to the foreground app and not the popup itself having problems.
I haven't heard of this so it might be an issue with your custom os.
Make a bug report using the report bug button in the troubleshooting section, see if Jamie knows any better.


Staff member
@LF0 I've just looked into this in more detail. The way the custom popup works is to create a temporary (invisible) foreground activity and then call the popup on this foreground activity, before dismissing it. This works on every device I have (including 3 Android 14 devices). I can only assume at the point the hidden activity gets dismissed your phone is clearing the associated popup message as well. I'm pretty sure this is non standard behaviour but this is pretty typical of China based OS implementations.

I think the only thing you can do here is stick to the standard popup messages.


I think the only thing you can do here is stick to the standard popup messages.
Alright, I understand. I've replaced all the pop-up messages with floating text because the standard pop-up messages display the MacroDroid icon, which I don't like. That's also why I prefer using custom pop-up messages.

Anyway, thanks for letting me know about this.