V5.29 - Feedback

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It's just so funny how they push on every Android user updates of almost all of their crap apps every two or three days (full of improvements and bug fixes, they say and I believe them [not]) and even make threats if the user does not instantly comply – and at the same time make it harder and harder for a new version of a useful app with legitimate improvements to get published.


Staff member
It's extremely inconsistent as well. Sometimes a release can go the same day, but more often than not it will take at least a week. One might assume it's because MacroDroid has so many permissions and uses so many features like accessibility services etc. but I work on another app part time on a contract basis that is much simpler and the review inconsistencies are the same.


New member
@MacroDroidDev Hello, I reported a bug in the MacroDroid app a few weeks ago.

It's about the action:

Wait for trigger (VPN)

This did not trigger after a restart, although VPN was established.

In your message you wrote that there will be a fix in the next app version.

I've now tried the new beta for testing:


Unfortunately I still have the problem.

The macro is run by a shortcut from the home screen.

Since the new beta update it sometimes happens that the shortcut opens the Macrodroid app.

I've only had this problem since the beta version.

Just wanted to ask what the current status of the problem is?

Greetings Dominik


@MacroDroidDev Hello, I reported a bug in the MacroDroid app a few weeks ago.

It's about the action:

Wait for trigger (VPN)

This did not trigger after a restart, although VPN was established.

In your message you wrote that there will be a fix in the next app version.

I've now tried the new beta for testing:


Unfortunately I still have the problem.

The macro is run by a shortcut from the home screen.

Since the new beta update it sometimes happens that the shortcut opens the Macrodroid app.

I've only had this problem since the beta version.

Just wanted to ask what the current status of the problem is?

Greetings Dominik
I'm pretty sure this is a normal behaviour. If you kill MacroDroid while it's executing a macro, the macro will not resume after MacroDroid restarts. That includes wait for trigger. When you restart your device (or shutdown), MacroDroid, as well as (almost) all other apps are killed.

A workaround is to set a boolean variable to true before wait for trigger and false after wait for trigger and use a device boot trigger with a variable constraint (if the created variable is true) to wait again after a reboot and then executing these actions (use an if trigger fired -> shortcut to englobe all previous actions to prevent the macro from running again from the start).


My auto update macro won't work if MacroDroidDev uses 2 numbers at the end, it was not made to support that.
In fact, there's no real way for my macro to know what to do that to check for unless I ask MacroDroidDev, I must use something that fits most scenarios (except for this one where my macro was checking for v5.30 while v5.29.10 was the latest actual release).
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