V5.32 - Feedback

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Well-known member
@Dm114 I just tried to recreate the issue with action block size and it worked fine for me. Could you please use report a bug in the app and share your macro with me so I can try and recreate with exactly what you have.
Thanks @MacroDroidDev. It's a bit weird... I noticed that on a macro/action block I was using yesterday before and after MD update.

As the involved macro/Action block is a bit long and complicated, let me try to reproduce the issue on a similar and simpler sample macro/action block. I'll send it to you ASAP.


Well-known member
@Dm114 I just tried to recreate the issue with action block size and it worked fine for me. Could you please use report a bug in the app and share your macro with me so I can try and recreate with exactly what you have.
I investigated a bit deeply and I found this:
1⁰) you are right: Magic text [size...] works in Block actions but, for some reason another user also noticed, the name of the source Array (in the Block action call) disappeared (without modifying the statement). Hence [size...] of an empty Array (on the BA side) is... zero. What was not what I was expecting. 😉
2⁰) I used to use a trick to sometimes modify Input variables values (inside the BA) but it seems that actions like Input.value=Input.value+1 don't work anymore. It was to avoid creating useless additional Working variables just to modify a variable once in the BA.

@MacroDroidDev, do you think it would be possible to allow to Set value with Input variable on the left side of the statement? Unless there is technical reason... 🤔


Staff member
2⁰) I used to use a trick to sometimes modify Input variables values (inside the BA) but it seems that actions like Input.value=Input.value+1 don't work anymore. It was to avoid creating useless additional Working variables just to modify a variable once in the BA.

@MacroDroidDev, do you think it would be possible to allow to Set value with Input variable on the left side of the statement? Unless there is technical reason... 🤔

I prefer to keep input variables as not settable. I just feel it's cleaner for inexperienced users to avoid making mistakes accidentally screwing up input values when they don't mean to.


New member
Will the Spotify trigger/actions be exclusive to Spotify or will it work on other MP3 players like Samsung Music, Poweramp, etc?


New member
I used the WiFi SSID trigger and set the WiFi SSID background scan frequency to 30 minutes, but the software does not scan every 30 minutes, but scans the WiFi SSID in the background very frequently, sometimes every minute, can this be modified? This period in my screenshot is scanning the WiFi ssid in the background every minute (the mobile phone system records the frequency of the software in the background positioning during this time, if I turn off this WiFi ssid trigger, there is no location record, if it is turned on, there is a location record, so I guess the positioning frequency is the frequency of scanning WiFi)S30316-17422085.jpgS30316-17472236.png


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
I used the WiFi SSID trigger and set the WiFi SSID background scan frequency to 30 minutes, but the software does not scan every 30 minutes, but scans the WiFi SSID in the background very frequently, sometimes every minute, can this be modified? This period in my screenshot is scanning the WiFi ssid in the background every minute (the mobile phone system records the frequency of the software in the background positioning during this time, if I turn off this WiFi ssid trigger, there is no location record, if it is turned on, there is a location record, so I guess the positioning frequency is the frequency of scanning WiFi)View attachment 4894View attachment 4895
It's getting location info, which is also used for other triggers. Check your system log instead and in the filter, change the log level to 'detailed'.


New member
S30316-18200235.jpg这是系统日志详细记录。它显示有时每 4 分钟扫描一次,有时每 9 分钟扫描一次。那么,WiFi ssid扫描频率在系统设置中已经设置为30分钟,有没有其他有效的设置可以降低扫描频率呢?


Staff member
A request to all. This thread is for specific issues that are new and relevant only to the v5.32 beta release, some issues being posted here should go in the help and troubleshooting forum.

MacroDroid will cause wifi scans at the requested interval but it also listens to all wifi scans that take place that are done by the system or other apps. These scans are happening anyway so there is no downside from MacroDroid listening in to them.
what is it and how can I disable it came in the beta version for the very first time, otherwise I've never had it


  • Screenshot_2023-03-16-22-26-54-005_com.mi.android.globallauncher.jpg
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Moderator (& bug finder :D)
what is it and how can I disable it came in the beta version for the very first time, otherwise I've never had it
Check your system log for macros causing this. For now you can restore the original text using the action Set MacroDroid Notification Text -> MacroDroid default.
Check your system log for macros causing this. For now you can restore the original text using the action Set MacroDroid Notification Text -> MacroDroid default.
there is nothing that triggers it that came shortly after i tested a macro of them with the systemlogs and then turned hotspot on and off
there is nothing that triggers it that came shortly after i tested a macro of them with the systemlogs and then turned hotspot on and off
maybe it set some macro at one point only since I unpinned the message it never showed up until I re-enabled it and that was just before I used your macro
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