V5.33 - Feedback

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Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
I see that selection dialog doesn't save any value to decimal variables, I do not know if this is intended


Well-known member
I see that selection dialog doesn't save any value to decimal variables, I do not know if this is intended
I guess it is normal as Selection dialog is made to return either a number or a text corresponding to the selected item.

So we can retrieve either the clicked item number in an array or a string value.


Well-known member
Then it should disallow saving to decimal variables
You're probably right.
Let me check it with the new MD release. I didn't noticed that when I first tested this new feature because it wasn't working properly yet.


Well-known member
Then it should disallow saving to decimal variables
I see what you mean: it's possible to select a decimal variable to store the number of the clicked item.

Let's say it's "uncommon" for such a purpose but it's not really disturbing: a decimal variable can also contain whole numbers 😉


What was the problem? I think the best way to answer your question would be... to check it 😉
Nevermind, I just tested it on latest 5.33.6 & it's working fine now. Moreover, feel much smoother & responsive than 5.32.8 in macro execution.

Updates: I just tested the Trigger section with Involved/Not Involved constraints & it seem having the same issue like Compare Values that I reported last time.
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Staff member
@alexhee Can you post the issue here, or a link to your original post. I have 100s of things going on so I don't even remember what the issue you are talking about is at this point.


Staff member
@alexhee I've taken a quick look at this and it's not clear how Invoked/Not Invoked constraint is related to your previous issue, so I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for.

Could you please submit the simplest macro you can then demonstrates this issue via the report a bug feature in the troubleshooting section and I will take a look.


New member
After the update, Click stopped working with parameters defined as variables. If I set the click with parameters as constants (900, 900), it works. If I try to execute the click with parameters as variables (X, Y with the same values of 900, 900), nothing happens.


@alexhee I've taken a quick look at this and it's not clear how Invoked/Not Invoked constraint is related to your previous issue, so I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for.

Could you please submit the simplest macro you can then demonstrates this issue via the report a bug feature in the troubleshooting section and I will take a look.
Thanks for your quick response. I just reported the issue to you.

Yesterday I spent whole day to test out the consistency of the constraints which I applied in Trigger & Constraints section. I found that if I put the contraints into Trigger section then it's hit & miss

It's puzzling me even though I restarted my phone many times & check all the settings. It just won't run & stated "trigger" not invoke because constraint failed. However, if I leave it for 1-2 hours then it's back to normal.


Staff member
Thanks for the quick response! Problem solved, but only for LOCAL variables. Click using GLOBAL variables still doesn't work.
Oh dear, looks like it works for the x location but I screwed something up for the y location. Fix incoming....
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