Wait until Trigger action


Well-known member
I have found that a wait until trigger action continues or the macro is cancelled as follows

1. The trigger fires and the macro continues.

2. If a regular interval is added, the macro continues on timeout.

3. If the new timeout is set, the macro is cancelled when the timeout is reached.

4. A run macro action is executed (the macro with the wait until trigger) and the macro resumes from the action after the wait until trigger - so continues, bypassing the trigger, regular timeout and the new timeout.

I use 1,2 & 4 in a macro - keep Device awake, that I have posted on the Share your macros forum.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
So you're saying that when waiting for trigger and triggering macro again it resumes from wait until trigger ? I don't think that's intended.


Passionate Member
Yes it does and definitely a bug. I reported this 3 weeks ago and waiting for the fix.
But unfortunately it may takes a while because it's not considered in priority until now.