Weather Condition


New member
Hello, I set up a macro to notify me for weather changes, and I noticed that everything else is in the correct case lettering, but condition only shows lowercase... Is there anyway to change this? It's bothering with my OCD. Screenshot_20220910-112903.png


New member
You could use text manipulation -> Upper case if you're using a variable.
I tried using a variable to make the letters uppercase and called the variable in the notification, but doing this has erased conditions from appearing now... Everything else shows in caps...


New member
I tried using a variable to make the letters uppercase and called the variable in the notification, but doing this has erased conditions from appearing now... Everything else shows in caps...
Sorry I promise I'm not trying to spam! Turns out, it doesn't show when you test the trigger but does come up when the trigger is triggered in a normal instance! Thank you so much!