V5.35 - Feedback

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For obvious bugs, please use report a bug in troubleshooting section with a clear description.

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Latest beta 5.35.0 & 5.35.1 broke the UI interaction "Paste" function. My existing macro with this "Paste" fucntion won't work properly in chrome website login. Revert back to 5.34.10 & it's working fine.

Moreover, some macros with UI Interaction (x,y) location click in percentage (%) backuped & restored, it will set to Pixels instead of Percentage & it only occurred for certain macros. Which I'm totally out of clue.

Overall, the new beta is more stable than 5.34.10, at least I didn't see any not responding message compared to 5.34.10 which occured almost every day & make more heat on my phone.


New member
Launching the action block shortcut does not allow you to set parameters.
I have about twenty shortcuts to launch different radio stations and playlists. Each of them runs a separate macro that performs the same block of actions with different parameters.
It would be great if all this could be simplified by calling the action block shortcut with the parameter.


Has anyone got a global string variable without name used in all macros and action blocks created when installing ?


Latest beta 5.35.0 & 5.35.1 broke the UI interaction "Paste" function. My existing macro with this "Paste" fucntion won't work properly in chrome website login. Revert back to 5.34.10 & it's working fine.

Moreover, some macros with UI Interaction (x,y) location click in percentage (%) backuped & restored, it will set to Pixels instead of Percentage & it only occurred for certain macros. Which I'm totally out of clue.

Overall, the new beta is more stable than 5.34.10, at least I didn't see any not responding message compared to 5.34.10 which occured almost every day & make more heat on my phone.
I believe this is because of an issue with accessibility services. I'm not saying you didn't enable them, it's actually a new bug where MacroDroid will not recognize you have accessibility services enabled, so no actions, triggers and constraints related to that will work.

This should be fixed in v5.35.2


Staff member
@Sserj Can you clarify exactly what you are referring to. I assumed you meant the drawer item to launch shortcut but when I tested I was able to set an input parameter without a problem.


I believe this is because of an issue with accessibility services. I'm not saying you didn't enable them, it's actually a new bug where MacroDroid will not recognize you have accessibility services enabled, so no actions, triggers and constraints related to that will work.

This should be fixed in v5.35.2
Temporary I will holding back to test the beta because yesterday I found the backup file I made in 5.35.1 after restored in 5.34.10. Some parameters I save will ran out. Example, text manipulation - save to variable, the variable value will changed.

@alexhee I don't think there is any issue with UI Interaction paste, but if you a restriction based on the current foreground app then this will be broken as mentioned by @Endercraft
I dunno how to decribe but the same macro working well in 5.34.10 not 5.35.1. That's all I can tell. It just won't work.


Staff member
Yes, it appeared to me too
I have no idea how this mystery String variable appeared and I've trawled through all the changes in the new version and there is nowhere obvious that has caused it. If anyone has any reproducible way of making this happen I will be very interested because I certainly want to fix this before it rolls into a production release!


Staff member
Temporary I will holding back to test the beta because yesterday I found the backup file I made in 5.35.1 after restored in 5.34.10. Some parameters I save will ran out. Example, text manipulation - save to variable, the variable value will changed.

I dunno how to decribe but the same macro working well in 5.34.10 not 5.35.1. That's all I can tell. It just won't work.
@alexhee Could you please use the report a bug feature to share the specific macro that works well in 5.34.10 and not 5.35.1 and I will investigate further.


I have no idea how this mystery String variable appeared and I've trawled through all the changes in the new version and there is nowhere obvious that has caused it. If anyone has any reproducible way of making this happen I will be very interested because I certainly want to fix this before it rolls into a production release!
I don't know if that's related but creating a global variable with only a space for name removes the space and creates a variable without name.


Even more bugs discovered (including a crash !)..

  1. Create a new if, and in it create a new loop.
  2. Drag the end loop out of the condition (below end if). That will create an 'invalid control flow'.
  3. Copy the if, and paste it somewhere else.
  4. You now have a normal condition, and a loop without end loop.
  5. If you click on the '^' next to the end loop the app will then stop responding.
You can do this with a loop instead of a condition and a condition instead of a loop, but you can't use 2 conditions or 2 loops.


New member
"Adding support for input parameters when using action blocks from home screen shortcuts."
It's strange, but the shortcuts forget the parameters after rebooting or restarting the launcher.
I tested it on Huawei P30 Pro (EMUI 12), Menu Play emulator and Android Car Unit (Android 10).
There are different launchers everywhere, but all reset the parameters of the shortcuts.
Video example
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