V5.35 - Feedback

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New member
@Endercraft Please keep this thread on topic. You are welcome to contact me directly if you have such queries. But to answer your main points:

The extra stuff is entirely specific to a service in Indonesia (related to a taxi style app) which I have been working with a partner on. It has been an experiment to explore alternative revenue streams. It's fair to say this has been a big failure (mainly because everyone just steals it and distributes cracked versions etc.). The service is still alive, but I don't intend to waste any more time because it has not worked out as hoped.

My sales of the pro version are pretty bad (a very tiny fraction ever upgrade) and are trending down fairly considerably. However I continue to have a large number of free users who basically make me close to zero revenue (the current advert income is terrible). With this in mind I plan to try and better monetize free users by offering an initial 7 day limit which can then be extended by watching reward adverts/taking short surveys or (in some cases by having the choice to share anonymous data with partners). This will only apply to newly installed free versions of the app (so existing installs will not see this) and there will be zero impact to anyone using the pro version. No data will be shared at all in the pro version and the free version will only be opt-in.

I realize this will probably lead to bad reviews, accusations of being "money-grabbing" and other related abuse, but ultimately I can still make considerably more money working a 9-5 contract job than I make from MacroDroid and I certainly work much much longer hours than this and have considerably more stress!
TBPH, I always thought that the number of free macros is very generous. I use Macrodroid constantly so felt it only fair to pay for the pro version, but could easily stay with the free version . Maybe it's an idea to time limit the free use of macros or the number of free macros or somehow a bit of both?


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
TBPH, I always thought that the number of free macros is very generous. I use Macrodroid constantly so felt it only fair to pay for the pro version, but could easily stay with the free version . Maybe it's an idea to time limit the free use of macros or the number of free macros or somehow a bit of both?
In v5.36 this time limit has been implemented to encourage free users to upgrade and if not make them generate revenue. The number of sales is going down so this was necessary (especially so Jamie can work full time on MacroDroid).
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